MaxRay Handheld Portable X-Ray (BX-3000)


The MaxRay has under gone extensive testing to ensure it is safe to use for the operator and the patient. The MaxRay interior components are thoroughly sealed with multiple sheets of lead (Pb) to block out any leakage radiation.

The MaxRay has a Long-Life LI Battery, the best battery technology on the market today, taking over 200 x-ray shots on a single battery charge compared to 100 with other systems.


The MaxRay has under gone extensive testing to ensure it is safe to use for the operator and the patient. The MaxRay interior components are thoroughly sealed with multiple sheets of lead (Pb) to block out any leakage radiation.

The MaxRay has a Long-Life LI Battery, the best battery technology on the market today, taking over 200 x-ray shots on a single battery charge compared to 100 with other systems.


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